Download the
install file
to download the
file. A dialog box will popup and ask you "What
would you like to do with this file".
Click on "Save it to disk". |
Choose a folder
to save the file. Then click OK. The download
begins. Please be patient and wait until the end of
the process. |
Installing the program
Using Windows Explorer select the
previously chosen directory. |
Launch the install file:
bexsetup.exe. |
Follow the instructions. |
How to uninstall a program?
From Windows desktop, choose Start /
Settings / Control Panel. |
Control Panel window opens.
Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. |
A dialog box opens showing a list of
previously installed program. Select the program
Batch Exporter to uninstall then choose
Remove. |
Follow the instructions. |
How to load the add-in?
Launch PowerPoint.
Select Tools |Add-ins. In the add-in
window, click 'Add new' and browse to 'BeX.ppa' in
the installed folder and click on OK |
If prompted to enable macros, click
on Enable. |
If you do not find 'BeX.ppa' listed
in the add-ins window then please refer to
demo movie. |
Close the add-ins window.
Select Tools | Batch Exporter |
Batch Exporter to start the Wizard. |
How to register Batch Exporter?
First you need to
purchase a registration
code. |
Once you have the code, launch
PowerPoint. |
Ensure that the Batch Exporter
add-in is loaded. |
Select Batch Exporter | About
In the space provided enter the
registration name & registration code that you have
been provided with. Make certain that there are no
spaces before or after the registration code is
entered. |
Click on Register.
Click on OK to close the About