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How to navigate better in Word


It's rather cumbersome to scroll thru pages of content. Navigate better and faster using the Select Browse Object button. It is located in the bottom right corner of your screen between the two sets of double arrows. When you click this button, you get a pop-up button menu with the following options (See the graphic):

Go To, Find, Browse By Edits, Browse By Heading, Browse By Graphics, Browse By Table, Browse By Field, Browse By Endnote, Browse By Footnote, Browse By Comment, Browse By Section, or Browse By Page.


Select one of the buttons to change the functionality of the double arrow buttons on either side of the Select Browse Object button. E.g. if you click the Browse By Table option, you can then go to the previous (from your current position) table in your document by clicking the double up-arrow button. Similarly, clicking the double down-arrow button will take you to the next table.



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